
It's a strange fit


10-10-2013, 10:59 PM

Oddity was still injured from his failure to obtain Ludicael. Nor did he really care any longer. His emotions were shot, first it was the fact that he could not feel remorse, now it was all sense of feeling. Simply a mindless soldier who wanted to serve the one he loved until the great blackness came to collect him. A failure, who was disposable, in which that was something he also, didn't care too much about anymore. The man sat in the snow, standing out like a sore thumb with his dark black fur. His two different colored eyes looking out, glossed over. He had lost his sense of smell for the time being, and there was another scar on his left shoulder that ran up and down his former one. Though it was still in the healing process and it would take some time for him to heal. And yet he was still ready to fight with the oncoming war.
His desire to have a son was still high though, even though he himself was utterly fallen for Isar. In which he would never convey his feelings in the fear Isar would throw him out of Glaciem, or worse kill him. Though Killing him would be alright with him. Death by the one he loved seemed like the best way to go for a killer like him. Though things happened, maybe someone would be able to raise his ability to feel. Maybe one day he would be a better soldier. And at that moment he'd ride off into battle for Isar, and never come back. Only his body splayed out in the ground with blood pooling around him. Oddity hoped, he was wrong about the afterlife.
