
friend circle

bunni & skelle!



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-08-2022, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 02:03 AM by Kunai. Edited 1 time in total.)
Usagi wasn't wrong to assume that Kunai would prefer the more open land that the Bay had to offer over the maze. Although he wasn't entirely sure why they couldn't meet in the den for ease, he wasn't going to complain about getting out for a minute either. It would be nice to get out and have tea, even if there were a million heavy things weighing on his mind. Usagi greeted him and he sat as he was told, wondering what this was about. Maybe it was just a nice time for tea, but something felt... different.

The feeling only got worse when he saw Kuroo narrowing his gaze at them, his hardly formed smile fading. Something was definitely up, he knew it. He knew it in the way he calmly approached and used his brothers hated nickname, and in the way he wasn't greeted but instead glanced between. His own brows creased as he looked down to his tea, feeling unsettled and anxious. Had him coming here put something between the brothers? He didn't want to cause or be the cause of any problems, so maybe it was good they were getting this over with before he met with the Kaicho. He would remain quiet for now though, uncertain of what to say if anything at all. He almost felt as though he should leave, but felt frozen somewhat in place. Instead, he stared down at his tea and frowned.

Usagi started talked soon after and while he listened, he couldn't lift his gaze from the cup. It was almost as if he was reminding Kuroo of their childhood relationship, as if he couldn't remember him. The thought of that hurt on it's own, but certainly didn't overshadow the pain he felt feeling like he was pushing the brothers apart. The longer Usagi explained, the worse Kunai felt. So he had gotten in the way of something. His ears pinned back as his mind tried to wrap itself around everything that was happening. It was stupid to look for Usagi and what he thought was a miracle was certainly nothing more than a horrible joke. He suddenly wished that Usagi had never come across him on that beach, though he didn't really mean it and even thinking it hurt.

When Usagi turned to him, he didn't look up from his cup. He wasn't even sure if he could blink at this point. The words he spoke were listened to, though he struggled to find solace in them. He slowly started to shake his head when the man finished, his dry eyes finally squeezing shut in an attempt to hold on to some composure before taking a deep breath to speak. "I appreciate everything you've done for me Usagi..." he started, his voice softer than usual and lacking the confidence it usually had as his eyes squeezed shut again. "-but I don't think I should stay."

"Kunai Speech." & "Usagi Speech."

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