
I'm on the right track, baby



08-08-2022, 11:07 PM

The smaller woman kept going for it, just as Ngurulivu had hoped. But they both slipped, falling, and Nuru’s eyes widened as she fought the slushy rain. Gods, were they alright? Had the woman broken anything? She bounded forward, trying to mind her own footing. The weather had become nasty far too quickly. Mentally Nuru cursed it. At least she saw the woman get back up and go for the sheep again. Against the slush, she thought she saw one of the legs bent at a strange angle, but given the bad slip they had that wasn’t surprising. It cried and flailed but the smaller girl was on it, bringing it to death’s embrace.

By the time she reached the other the hunt was over. The sheep was gone, and she glanced at her apologetically. “Forgive me, I should have been faster.” Her mind didn’t seem to be on the fact that Nuru hadn’t been able to help, however, and she wasn’t wrong. They’d need to find shelter for themselves, especially if the weather was to keep up. Ngurulivu gave a nod at the request she carries the sheep; she’d be able to do that at the very least. She moved to the Dall sheep’s side and heaved it up onto her back. It was a healthy weight but she’d manage alright.

Ngurulivu glanced up once it felt secure and saw that the yearling was already on the move. That was alright; she’d trail after her, and they could talk once shelter was found. The monochrome femme followed after her at a slower pace, back down the rocky crop. Her ears were flicked back as she fought the weather, wind, and slush that was insisting on smacking her in the face. Gods, she’d be glad when they were out of it!

"Talk, 'Think.'

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