
You Should See Me In A Crown



2 Years

Samhain 2022
08-09-2022, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2022, 05:43 PM by Cassiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

His assurance did help make her feel like she wasn’t a complete idiot. And in time with his laughter, she chimed in with her own. She did, however, commit his proper title to memory, certain that she would recognize it again in the event it ever came up. “I see. Well, you’ll have to teach some of it to me. Or at the very least the important parts to your hierarchy.” Cassiela answered lightly.

A grin crossed her features as he issued a more formal welcome, which she dipped her head in thanks. “I can’t wait to see Valhalla- I’m honored to be a guest.” She answered in a similarly polite tone. Really … she couldn’t wait to be the hell away from the ocean. But away from the ocean with a safe destination in mind, made it all the more appealing.

Her conversation with Ardyn had been a pleasant distraction and a good one at that. She went to correct her posture and take those first steps in the direction of the raft, but on the shift of weight, the trembling weakness reared its ugly head. Cassiela staggered, but quickly caught herself. And while not perfect, the more strides she took, the more her control of her own legs returned to her. She grit her teeth in concentration to keep her forward momentum. And when he did give her instruction, she answered him with a stiff nod. “That I can do.” She responded, edged in relief that he didn’t expect much assistance from her- which was another source of gratitude. Even crossing the beach as they had left her lightheaded.

Upon the invitation to board, Cassiela hesitantly obliged. Giving herself the opportunity to find a grip on the rough surface of the logs beneath her pads. Once situated, she looked between Ardyn and the felines that accompanied him. “Alright. I think I’m as ready as I’ll be.” She said, voice riddled in tension. But perhaps in time, it would become more comfortable. And in the end, there was only one way to find out.

-Exit via Fade to Black for Rafting to the Mainland-