
Great Tales Start With a Small Step. [Cassiela/Valhalla]

(Valhallans wait until Indie's posted Cassiela first, please lol)



2 Years

Samhain 2022
08-09-2022, 05:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2022, 06:18 PM by Cassiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

The trip to the mainland had been surprisingly smoother than she had initially thought. She had half expected to be thrown around and bucked off its ridged surface, which wasn’t the case at all. Certainly a lot better than the hours-long swim Ardyn had described as the alternative. After finding a safe place to leave the raft, she followed the Ard Rí to his homeland. Eventide was settling in, though the darker the sky got, the more she noticed the flame-like glow that illuminated from her traveling companion. Though, she didn’t inquire about the phenomenon so as to not draw further attention to herself. Clearly, it was normal for him. Or at least, he wasn’t alarmed by it from what she could tell as he wasn’t actually on fire.

In time, a structure manifested on the horizon. And judging by the way they were covering ground, it seemed as if that was the destination. In the Winterlands, there had been ruins of something a lot older than any of her kind could remember. However, this seemed different. Primitive yet, relatively new in the grand scheme of time. Cassiela's emerald gaze roved the structure, as she puzzled over how it was built. “Is this of your doing?” She asked lightly. It was meant as a collective ‘your’, as in the doing of all of Valhalla. However, if he did it all himself, it wouldn’t take her much convincing to accept that for the truth. The previous accusation of being ’full of surprises’ came to mind.

As he led her down a channel, she never wavered in her observations. Doing her best to try and take in as much detail as she could as they passed through. Though, once they made it through what she would consider an entrance into the territory, it opened back up into more plains. However, it was not as vacant on what lay on the outside of the wall. There were a lot more obvious signs of life on the inside. She was vaguely aware of Ardyn coming to a halt, in which she drifted to a standstill near his side just the same. She hadn’t noticed the silence between them until he broke it with a light-hearted question. “This is not what I was expecting at all. Though, I guess I’ll learn to discard expectation in time.” She said half-jokingly, but there was a part of her that was serious. Her emerald gaze found the Ard Rí, as she prepared for a little more genuine sentiment. “Yes, this is amazing. I can tell a lot of work has been put into Valhalla.” She said, attention lingering once again before investigating the territory once more. “How long have you all been here, if you don’t mind me asking?” Cassiela asked curiously. She wondered just how long it would take to put all this together as they had, as she had never seen anything like it.