
Forever Begins Here

Rudyard x Fern Wedding ♥


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-10-2022, 12:17 AM

Rudy stood tall and proud next to the big hearth and as normal a picture of confidence with a small smile on his face.  Perfect picture, aside from those who knew him the very best.  His normal more relaxed all-encompassing gaze in his eyes was replaced by a more focused look today.  Rudyard’s mind was a mix of thoughts he meant to focus on yet it was at war with the strong emotions the occasion brought on.  Rudyard never got nervous, he was always in control.  Well, at least most of the time.  Today, more than any other, had to be perfect.

Rudyard wasn’t all decked out with any formal fancy attire yet his coat was as clean as it had ever been.  Between bathing and oils that would help it keep a glossy shine, he was looking his best.  The fur down his chest and even the fur that would stick out from his sides seemed to curl up a bit also from the use of some oils.  He’d never taken such care to not get a speck of dirt on his coat before when traveling inside the castle!

Watching Art approach his face first kept stoic should anyone else enter and see him but a flicker of a smile came over his features as Art stepped beside him, and again at the ribbing. “The place looks great Art, thanks.” He could offer a better thanks or deeper compliments of the setting later as Art had thrown down the gauntlet of teasing and Rudy would snatch it up just to soothe his inner nerves, a soft scoff at the suggestion the motley wolf would ever be nervous.

Other wolves might show up soon, and soon enough the ceremony would begin but not this second. “Since when have I ever been one of us to get nervous?” Rudy couldn’t say yes to being nervous!  He just also couldn’t deny it.  Damn it, he was nervous! “and you should know well enough I never have had a problem with words.  Of course, I know exactly what to say.”  Rudyard was quiet a moment before whispering the add-on, “ok, maybe a little nervous.”

Rudy turned a side eye to Art, smirking and adding on, “and are ‘you’ nervous?  I don’t believe you’ve ever done this either.” Even as he said it Rudy imagined his brother might very well be nervous.  He could worry about important matters.  “I have complete faith in you Art.”

The first to arrive was the little bird that Art had picked up to care for. Well, it had been smaller once but it had grown by leaps and bounds.  How big was it going to get anyway?  Was this nearly full grown?  Well, it was a member of the hallows now so while an odd family member, he was family all the same.
