

Sparrow [lol weirdest birth thread]

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-10-2022, 12:55 AM
Calico Jack drifts in the warm, comfortable darkness of his mother’s womb. The pup’s world is small, pressed up against his unknown brothers and sister, the tiny pup simply… exists. But today, something feels… off. From his place in Sparrow’s womb, Calico feels his mother’s heartrate quicken and, suddenly, his world shifts. Great contractions force him away from his tiny, comfortable world into the place beyond. He is unaware of the pain his mother is experiencing, unaware of everything that awaits him in the outside world… but he soon finds out.

With one massive contraction, Sparrow’s body forces his own, smaller one to exit and he falls to the earth in a bloody heap. The fluid filled sack that has been his home for so long is now gone and the shock of hitting the ground from such a great height forces Calico Jack to inhale air. There is a moment of confusion in the tiny pup’s mind as he realizes that something is wrong. His new lungs are still filled with liquid and, as his small chest heavies to try and pull in oxygen, he finds it isn’t working. Still, Calico is no quitter and his small legs push his body around the sandy area, trying to find the one warm body that can help him.

Sounds assault his small ears while the other, bigger warm bodies move around him. More of his siblings enter the world and it is fitting that Pirate King’s pups are born into such chaos. Blood paints the ground and his body squirms through it in his hunt for his mother’s belly. Still trying to pull in air, he feels the moment the liquid in his lungs finally breaks up and Calico Jack squeals his first full breath of life. The sounds around him make no sense and, with the world still completely dark to his unopened eyes, he does the only thing he knows to do.

The pup wiggles onward, determined to work his own way to his mother’s stomach and the milk that waits as his reward. With tiny legs splayed out, he slowly pushing his small form forward as he continues to call for his mother and other, high-pitched squeals, join in his call. Suddenly, the pup finds what he is looking for as Calico Jack’s nose bumps into the warm mass of his mother’s belly. His squeals cease as he latches on, greedily drinking the fluid that he had been searching. Chaos continues around him but the pup doesn’t notice or care. He has found his reward and that is all that matter. Small paws push into his mother’s belly as Calico Jack suckles in the midst of the madness.

"Calico Jack"