
It's a strange fit


10-11-2013, 12:50 AM

Oddity looked at the lady, what if he fell in love with her? What would she do then, but he didn't care, at the moment his feelings were strict. Even if he did look, his mind would certainly wander until someone honestly tried to wow him. The den was certainly warmer than outside as he just realized. Tail flicking as he pressed his pelt against her. "Careful where you place your kindness my dear, you may find yourself breaking hearts one by one. Unless you enjoy that type of thing." Oddity said, giving a small nuzzle towards her neck. A gesture he had seen friends do among the woman. Though he couldn't be surprised if she tried to snap at him.
Oddity sat himself in one of the corners, wondering if she would follow him. "I would like to try and find someone else, but the feelings seem to stick while no one else holds my interest, none of them really feel comfortable around me if they know of my past. And as you can tell, I'm as odd as my name." That was when he tilted his head to a side. Pulling his paws out from under him. "What is your name, unless you'd rather I call you my lady or Isar's sister for the rest of my days." He thought it be a bit of a funny joke. He was starting to feel other things again, besides for the one emotion he'd never be able to feel. He could only imagine and act accordingly towards that.
