
It's a strange fit


10-11-2013, 01:12 AM

Oddity looked at the lady, Abelinda? What a strange name, but he wasn't one to talk. Though as she approached, he felt more inclined to tell her what she wished. It wasn't like she shouldn't know, it was more of the old reactions he had received. Many for some reason, while belonging to a pack like Isar's, didn't see a justice in his past killings. His two different colored eyes looking over the girl, she really did sparkle in the moonlight though, he hoped she knew that. "I was locked out from the world when I was younger, I had no interaction other than my father, in which he never gave me his name I only called him father. When I was a pup he nearly tore me in half for one mistake that I made giving me this large scar on my neck to my shoulder. He would harshly train me to be a killer, and that was all I did before I came to Glaciem, was that I would kill. I used to also be a sexist beast who merely saw women as commendable for their womb. One day I cracked and killed my father, and now here I am in Glaciem. I haven't killed anyone for a whole season, ever since I joined. It's a strange feeling, but I guess it is not one I miss." He explained, there was no mention of his mother since he had no memory of one. He would have to guess he had a different name before this one though. One he would never know.
Oddity felt the lady upon his fur, ruffling up his shoulders a bit as he gave a stretch. He certainly felt better, more confident, he felt a connection, which was something that was rather rare. "When I first came to Glaciem, the look I got from that story was not a good one, and the one who had given it betrayed Isar and ran off to run his own pack. So perhaps it was more of a sign, then anything. Signs I should pay more attention towards." Taurig had been the one to accept him after all. After meeting Isar, he had instantly fallen in love, Taurig hadn't liked him because of his horrid past. And that was something that amazed Oddity. Since he had no other wolf interaction besides his father and or his screaming victims underneath him.
