
Safe Haven

Asheila, Kane, Artorias


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-10-2022, 01:18 PM
The trip from the Grapevine Cathedral to the borders of The Hallows was thankfully an uneventful one. She had been fairly on guard for most of the trip, still not entirely convinced that her attacker or attackers wouldn't try to come after her again. She was going to feel far more at ease once they were within the safety of The Hallows, both because of the threat of further danger and because of wanting to get Ash properly treated for her wounds. Kane did the best he could with what little they had available at the time, but she knew Gwyn kept The Hallows' infirmary well stocked so there would be plenty of supplies to get whatever she needed. As they reached the borders she didn't stop, leading Kane and Ash across with a howl to alert Art and call him down to the infirmary to meet them. She knew that she was still considered a member of the pack despite her absence to live out in the wilds with Kane and their children so she didn't necessarily need to announce her presence, but she did still need Art to come be with her and his sister.

A bit to her surprise Gwyn wasn't in the infirmary when they arrived. It felt like her studious daughter was always here whenever she had been in the castle before and it made her curious about what Gwynevere was up to these days, but given how rarely she ever saw Gwyn out of the infirmary she didn't want to go looking for her and interrupt her day. It was a good thing that Kane was here and could finish the job he started while he was here so she wouldn't have to. Once Ash was settled on one of the cots she settled on her haunches at the head of the cot, giving Asheila a reassuring smile as she lifted her paw to smooth down a bit of fur that had gotten ruffled on the top of her daughters' head. "Welcome home, darling," she said quietly while Kane began to move around the room, gathering up herbs and supplies that he would need. "Artorias should be here soon. In the meantime just relax and let Kane finish bandaging you up, alright?"

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley