

Sparrow [lol weirdest birth thread]



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
08-10-2022, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 04:26 PM by Rexx. Edited 1 time in total.)
Rexx wasn’t about to miss the fiasco emerging on the beach. It was one blur of commotion after another - a stir of adrenaline and excitement rushing through the burly boy’s frame as he quickly sprinted after Flurry. He had heard the fight, the one against the Pirate King and, as he approached, a scary green-brown wolf whose scent was clearly not of their pack was there too. There was blood split, an ear torn off apparently, and Deluge had gotten the confidence to launch herself at the scary stranger. His dad was there to protect her, so it was fine and all. Rexx didn’t chastise, didn’t yell. He didn’t feel too good about her getting swatted by the stranger, but that’s kinda what you get for thinking you can take on a much stronger grown up. Instead, the tusked boy quietly blinked at the mess unfolding and shrugged, noticing Flurry and Scald were surrounding a squirming pile of things by Sparrow’s unconscious form. He trotted over, the tiny wriggling bodies reminding him of coyote ball. But these weren’t coyote’s, and they were all biting Sparrow’s weird stomach bags, so that meant that they were new puppies for the pack. And they had to be Sparrow’s babies. More playmates for him!

Like Scald, Rexx bent down towards the pups, careful so his tusks wouldn’t poke them. He sniffed them for a moment, wrinkling his snout. Eeww. Was he really that stinky when he was born? Glancing at Flurry as she asked Scald why they were so boring, he interjected his own reply, "I think it’s ‘cause they’re too tiny to talk or do stuff yet. When they get bigger like us they’ll be more cool. And we can make ‘em play with us." Yeah, those puppies weren’t gonna have a choice in the matter. As an older pup, he felt he had every right to make others play with him if he wanted. A bully just like his dad.