
Honing The Weapons



13+ Years
Extra large
10-11-2013, 01:49 AM

She had to hide a wince as she heard Caerul hit the ground in the cloud of dust. She felt a soft trickle slide down her cheek, warm. She also caught the scent of her own blood. Ah! So he got me. She hadn?t felt the sting of his tooth catching and giving her a deep enough scratch on the cheek to bleed. Ah well. Erani could patch her up. And Caerul. She hoped he wasn?t hurt too bad-- Caerul charged from the dust, veering to her side. She spun to keep with him, like a Spanish horse dancing with the bulls, balanced on her hocks, front hooves touching the ground to keep her frontal balance ensured. As he darted forward, she lashed out with her front hooves. There was no particular target in mind for this defensive attack.

Caerul still managed to get under her body, and a spark of inspiration snagged at her mind, shattering as his teeth nipped at her sensitive belly. For the first time in her life, she wished she was a mule. They could kick forward. So she settled for jumping forward at the exact moment his teeth fastened around her fetlock fur. The original idea she had was thrown to the four winds, as Caerul?s teeth dug against the skin under her thick hairs. Unfortunately for Caerul, her forward leap could possibly drag him along, instead of him pulling her leg forward. And then she kicked out behind herself, attempting to dislodge him. Her hind end fell back to the ground, and she, personally, hoped he wasn?t there when it landed. No actual attacks were made during this whole dance, more an attempt to evade.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Spinning with his charge to keep her facing him, and lashing out to possibly drive him back. | Balance held in her hind end in the turn. | Jumping forward in an attempt to evade the attacks, possibly dragging Caerul with her. | Kicking out to hopefully detach Caerul.

Attacks: Lashing out (Though it's intended as more of a driving off move) | Then Kicking out after leaping forward.

Injuries: Crescent slash over cheek (My left and right are mixed up, so I myself am not sure wich cheek. Deep enough to bleed a little, but will scab easily, probably even by the end of the spar from the wind passing over it and dust gathering on it. Bite bruises on the fetlock joint. Minor scratch on the belly from the nip.

Out Of Character Notes: Horrible post. Absolutely horrible, this one. -Hides her head under a pillow- I couldn't figure out WHAT to do. I even considered her sitting on him. XD