
Can you feel life movin' through your mind



08-10-2022, 10:00 PM

Oh? Ngurulivu grinned at the woman’s response. So she was close, was she? She wanted to know the secret then. Who did she bribe to be blessed with such pretty eyes? They were striking, and she had sincerely meant the compliment. The other woman’s teasing tone, along with a clear nervous waver, were noted. “Well I thought it had to be obvious the heavens lost an angel. I didn’t want to seem redundant, after all.” The woman winked, her look playful. If the other was a bit nervous that was alright. She could play and reel it back as needed. She swished her tail thoughtfully behind her.

“And with a name like Faith Fallen, how am I not supposed to believe that it’s the very truth?” Nuru dared to move a little closer though she still kept a little distance between them, being mindful of pushing too hard too fast. If the other didn’t mind her creeping closer she would push her luck but for now, she held back, ears perked forward as she continued to chat on. “I’ll admit my own name is unique, though it doesn’t sound quite as catching as yours.” Ngurlivu moved with a little flourish, dipping her head to the other woman.

“Ngurulivu Ancora-Desrosiers, at your service.” Her name was a mouthful for even the best of wolves so, as she lifted her gaze back to Faith, she spoke again. “Though the nickname ‘Nuru’ works just as well.” She straightened, taking a note of how the other did not smell as though she belonged to a pack. “Your coat is devoid of pack scent… could it be such a pretty lady is out here on her lonesome?” She asked, seeming a bit surprised at this.

"Talk, 'Think.'