
What you see, well, you might not know



08-10-2022, 10:40 PM

Florian agreed with her, also admitting to thinking of their birth pack, and their parents. She gave a quiet nod at this. It was exactly why she didn’t want to be here. They had to look toward the future; they couldn’t cling to the past. He did bring up a viable new base though, mentioning the Redwood Forest that they had passed through before. “That could work,” Nuru hummed thoughtfully. “There might be better cover there, too. There are old dens here, sure, but they just feel… I don’t know.” She furrowed her brow.

Then he brought up Claire and Ngurulivu shook her head. “I don’t know. I have no idea how to even go about looking for her, if I’m being honest.” She wrinkled her nose a little. “I’ll figure it out though. It’s important she knows what has happened to Fao… and maybe it’d do us all good to see each other again, you know? Catch up and all that.” She turned away from him.

“We should head to the Redwood Forest." She said softly. “I want you to pick out somewhere for a den, so I know where I can come find you instead of wandering willy nilly.” She flicked her tail and motioned for him to follow, setting off at once for the other land.

/ Exit

"Talk, 'Think.'