
It's a strange fit



8 Years
10-11-2013, 02:51 AM

He proved to say nothing and moved on a soft smile was given at his look. ?It's fine Oddity, you have much to learn then again we all do.? Speaking lightly as she rose only to be by his side playfully she gave his ear a nip before leading the way, scenting the air as she took the lead it didn't take too long for her to pick up the scent of something.

It was that of something dead, Abel knew it was a deer but what had caused it to die? Had the winter been too harsh? Shrugging such aside for a few moments the ghostly serpent lead them to the area where the deer was it was obvious something had gotten a hold of it. A good bit of flesh was missing from the chest and midsection a long with a leg missing. Inspecting the deer a bit closer a scent strongly came to her. ?Seems we have a wolverine in the area.? A light remark as she padded past the deer picking up that scent again a fresh and live one.

A herd shortly came into view as she paused looking the group over searching for a weakened one, an elder or one with an injury perhaps a ill one even. Those would be the best targets for them to go after; a small bit of blood caught her attention of a straggling buck in the group perhaps the wolverine had injured him. ?We'll go for him; I'll circle around you herd the buck towards me.? Giving simple instructions as Abel snuck off taking care to go around before picking a spot on the other side those eyes glued to the buck as she waited for Oddity to spook the herd and drive the buck towards her.