
You Went Away



03-06-2013, 11:19 AM
Chrysanthe nearly laughed - that was how he chose to defend himself? Deny everything? The girl only watched him though, not commenting on his whispered words at first. His eyes though, when she met them her own softened just slightly, because although she didn't believe that he hadn't run off with some woman he wanted to make his mate, he... wasn't the type that wanted anyone hurt in the princess. She sighed, her mouth open to respond, yet it seemed that he had something to say first. And so her mouth gently closed as she watched him, listened to him, and realized that he was now - rather formally - apologizing.

It was an apology that she hadn't been expecting. He... she had been hurt but he had every right to run off and do whatever he wanted with his life. There was not a rule in question that he was breaking by choosing to leave, it was up to him after all. Yet he seemed to know that she would have preferred he said goodbye before vanishing the way that he did. "Everyone has their ghosts Demonio, Collision wouldn't have turned you away for that." She paused, looking him in the eye. "I wouldn't have either." Yet he had left before she could even get a gist of what had been plaguing him so - taking comfort elsewhere.

He went on to say that he... expected for her to be upset with him. She shook her head no, because she wasn't angry with him. At this points he was more upset with herself for being so angry with the male to begin with. "You are fine, I forgive you but it..." Figuring out how these next thoughts would translate into words was difficult at first but - "You should have more confidence in your choices. You were not stupid for leaving, so long as that was what you truly wanted. If a different pack and a supportive dame is what you are looking for then be glad that you found it. There is no reason you should... feel as if you made the wrong choice because of me." Collision certainly wouldn't have. If he felt that Valhalla and Soliel came first, which they did, he would stand by that opinion regardless of Chrysanthe's feelings.

Yet he would feel a bit bad for upsetting her she assumed.

"I wanted you there, because I wanted to get to know you. You are unlike many that I have come across, and I was looking forward to you exploring the territory and possibly calling Valhalla home." Collision may have recruited him because he was building a pack, but Chrysanthe extended her offer because she was attemtping to build a friendship. Him leaving her so quickly and without a word left the girl feeling like there wasn't any chance at comradeship to begin with and it was all in her head. "When you left, I assumed you had simply changed your mind and that I had been silly to think that you were actually interested at all."

"Which is half right, you don't seem to know exactly why you left at all." His own words too. Maybe he really hadn't left for a pretty girl - because if he had, wouldn't he be a bit more proud of that? That was an assumption that she wouldn't dwell too much on though, because she didn't know the ivory male well enough to truly know the answer.

"Talk like this."