
not here for mere ferns

Healing Aw



Advanced Fighter (90)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KThe Ooze Participant
08-12-2022, 12:31 AM

Acacius was honing his craft quickly and for the most part had no one to thank but his dutiful porcupine companions. Most of his day was spent following along behind them receiving verbal lessons, examining new flowers, theorising new medicinal concoctions, or collecting corpses to practice essential paws-on skills upon. Today was to be another practical lesson but this time a study in salves. His porcupines had brought him to the center of Fern Gully and had him set up his materials, he had lit a fire in preparation for melting down his beeswax, and few shallow containers had been cleaned and ready to collect and hold the salve itself. All that was left to do was to find and gather the herb and then to begin preparing the mixture.

As every lesson lately, the porcupines would not let him set off until they were sure he was fully understanding the task. "Wintergreen. Do you remember what it looks like? You are looking for oily, oval looking leaves upon a bush. It's not the right season for the berries so it will be a bit harder to distinguish, but you'll know the right one when you crush a leaf open - it will smell funny, very distinguished." Poke gave the lecture with the tone of an admonishing mother, her quills rattling as she addressed the distractable yearling.

(1/3 Collected an Herb +10)
(0/3 Healing Lesson +15)
(0/3 Crafted an item related to healing +15)

Acacius has saber fangs, which may not be visible on all his art.
In the likely event you witness this character speaking to open air, he is speaking to his imaginary friend, Pocus.
Two porcupines follow Acacius everywhere he goes, their names are Prick(M) and Poke(F).