
Lets Play Doctor




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
08-12-2022, 10:27 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2022, 10:29 AM by Cináed. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ciná was still leaning against the tree, catching his breath and steadying himself, when a voice from behind him made him jump a little as they called his name. He blinked with surprise and turned his head to see Satira there, running toward him with concern etched on her face. He was momentarily distracted from his own situation and the pain radiating from his tail, too caught up in the fact that the exact wolf that he had been looking for before all of this happened had magically appeared. He wanted to question what she was doing here, where she had gone after the night they were together, why she had gone after that night, but he couldn't form the words and she was already scrambling to get supplies out of her bag while instead questioning him about what happened. He didn't know anything about healing, but she seemed to which was actually pretty fortunate all things considered. He wished it wasn't Tira that had to see him in this state, but he was still kind of glad that he was getting treatment sooner rather than later.

Before he could muster up the courage to admit to what had happened, she moved closer and started using whatever bundle of stuff she had pulled out of her bag to start cleaning up around the wound on his tail which made him wince and suck in a breath at the initial contact. The wound was still incredibly tender with deep gashes that were very obviously teeth marks and was sure to be plentiful bruising all around from the struggle he had gone through before he managed to get away. The bones in that portion of his tail were also likely fractured considering how long it took him to get Ignis to finally let go. He was honestly just happy that he managed to keep it. Ciná laid down to hopefully make it easier on Satira to work on him and to keep himself from toppling over in the process.

He glanced back over his shoulder at her while she continued her work, still struggling to find the words to tell her what happened. It probably would have been easy enough to just say he was attacked and let it go with that, but that didn't feel right either. He could already imagine her pressing him for more information if he tried that and for some reason that scenario felt worse to him than just coming clean about it up front. "I bumped into my psychotic father on my way across the bifrost and he attacked me when I tried to walk away from him," he finally muttered, looking away from her and looking down at the ground between his paws. He frowned and grimaced as she continued to patch him up, doing his best not to move and to be a good patient, assuming that if he was still then it would probably go more quickly and smoothly. "I ripped off his ear so I guess he got the worse end of the deal, but not before he did all of that."
