
Discount Pirate Pups!


Tarot OOC

08-12-2022, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2022, 09:40 PM by Tarot OOC. Edited 4 times in total.)
Name of Pup; Ardere
Name Meaning; The process of burning
Gender; Female

Appearance; Design 14 - Using this design in terms of appearance. Backup is design 5.
Purchases: Open character pass (from donating), minor mutation pass (small antlers), x2 height (New member bonus), x4 height (Gemstone credit), x1 pup pass (If needed, gemstone credit)

If Ignis is the flame itself, then Ardere is the silence and stillness that comes after the destruction. Quiet and almost peaceful, in a sense, but unsettling all on its own.

At her full, adult height, Ardere will stand at 42’’, not including the small, ivory deer-like antlers that root from her skull. She may not be as large as her siblings or her father herself, but given the lack of a true size difference, it will be hardly noticeable, and Ardere will like to believe herself intimidating in other ways. Her build, for one– she’ll be big, even as a pup, but as she begins to shed that pup fat and grow into her future build, she’ll have a stockier stature, meant to land stronger attacks.

If one were to ask Ardere, once she hits a year of age she’d claim that her point of pride would be her antlers. They’re small, and they’ll stay small, growing nowhere near the size of her father’s and as such will not offer much aide when it comes to battling.

Ardere, outside of a few small things, doesn’t particuarly resemble either parent. She has gained Eden’s base pelt of grays and blacks, and ivory-white fur across her throat and undersides, but the rest of it is all her. Gradients of a light, sky blue extending to a warm purple decorate her body, except for the small streak of a gradient across her forehead and going down her nose; it starts as a darker purple, and then extends into a pale blue fading into white.

With the shock of color that comes from Ardere, it should come as no surprise that her eyes are a deep ruby red; the only thing, besides her antlers and height, that could possibly clearly come from Ignis’ genes.

Skills; Intellect and Hunting

Even as a pup, Ardere isn’t a saint. She’s fairly unaware of the way the world around her works, but that, unfortunately, will not last long. Even as a pup, it’ll come in the form of bullying of her siblings— maybe, at first, she’ll start playing too rough or biting her siblings a little too hard. From there, it’ll extend to Ardere’s determination to be in charge, to have some sense of control, especially as she grows to know what her parents are like.

At the same time, however, she’ll be fiercely protective of said siblings. Nobody can bully them except for Ardere, and anyone who tries will have to deal with her fighting tooth and claw. She’ll want to protect herself too, obviously, but when it comes to her siblings they come first and foremost. Maybe her parents too. Maybe. If they’re good.

Ferocity aside, Ardere isn’t loud and proud in her words; she’s a creature of few words, preferring that action be taken instead. Sure, she has a confidence and an ego that could rival anyone she meets, but it doesn’t come into play as much as it could because she usually doesn’t say it. If the conversation comes up, obviously, she’s going to make herself possibly look like a fool due to how big her ego truly is. Does she have any skills to back it up? Not now, as a pup, but she doesn’t see why she would need them if someone can just take her at face value.

That being said, while Ardere may not honor the truth, and doesn’t mind the idea of bending the rules and making up little lies to get what she wants, she isn’t particularly dishonest. Most of the time, anyways. Unless it means she has something to back up some of her more bold statements when telling the truth wouldn’t let her get away with it. Or when her siblings tell on her– which, in all honestly, will probably get them a worse punishment than what she had originally had planned. Snitches get stitches, after all.

As she grows older, and the ideals of Pirates Plunder starts to really get to her, Ardere will grow to be more reckless in her actions– an adrenaline junkie, of sorts, that thrives on the chaos and confusion the actual pirate-themed wolves of the pack may cause. She’ll want to be up there in the front, because, in all honestly, she’s the one in control of the chaos for once. And she won’t pass it up for the world.


A lot of this isn’t, and will not be, set in stone but I do have a few ideas for Ardere that I would love to see happen, one being that, due to her upbringing, she tries to get more involved with Pirates Plunder. Obviously, there won’t be a ton she can do at first as a pup, but I imagine she’ll likely trail some of the own members around, instead of her parents, and be completely in awe of everything they do. Basically; role model that isn’t either of her parents (and, honestly, probably should not be the role model for a pup depending on who it is).

This also leads into my next idea, being that Pirates Plunder will more or less be a very bad influence on Ardere. She won’t be awful and evil, obviously, but once she hits a year of age she’ll be trying to join in on most of the Pirates stuff and honestly causing chaos wherever she can. Mostly, I just really love the idea of what would have been a sweet little pup, had her upbringing been different, growing up into this huge wolf who realizes she absolutely thrives on the Pirate-typical chaos. Once she gets older, and realizes that the dynamic between her parents, and her parents and herself, was probably not normal or healthy, I can see her flinging herself more into it. It won’t be a good coping mechanism for her, obviously, but the way I see it Ardere would likely reason that it’s either this or doing something she’ll regret later on.

Also leading into this! I imagine she’ll be pretty resentful towards both parents (Ignis for however he may treat them and Eden for trying to leave so many times / however she may also treat them), which, with certain kinds of development, could end in her viewing their relationship as too repaired to mend before anyone can even try. Should it go this way, I believe she would most likely disown both of them (especially if there’s someone else she views as family) very early on into her second year. Should any of her siblings try to defend either of them too much, either, they’ll most likely join their parents in the list of “disowned family” should Ardere not be able to explain why she would do such a thing.

This one is very much not set in stone, but I would love for Ardere to get the role of Envy at some point in the future, if it’s not taken by then. If it’s an empty spot, I can see her going for it, but if it’s already been claimed I can see her just sitting back and being envious of whoever got it (fitting, I know). Should she not be able to get this spot, she’ll still align pretty strongly with the Sins in general.

Sort of following up on the above plot, and expanding on it a little, I would also like to see one of Ardere's antlers get broken. She'll view it as a trophy of her victory (even if said victory is just...not dying) and carry it with her wherever she goes. I can also see her using it to try to impress the men (or the ladies, honestly) with it as she gets older. A sort of "look my antler is broken but I'm still okay" sort of thing.