
The Armada Family



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-11-2013, 03:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 03:46 AM by Avalon.)
Original Name: Kedestes Armada
Chosen Name: Raion Armada
Alignment: Neutral or evil (May change depending on influences)

Brief History: Rai left his home pack in search of his sisters. His mother constantly disapproved of him because of his heritage, and thus he wanted no more of it. Though he had several half siblings, none understood him more then his true biological sisters Satis and Impra.

Plans: Travel around Ala in search of his sisters, depending on who he meets first (Either his sisters, Isardis or Taurig or any of his other relatives) may influence where he goes.

Appearance: I'd like to use the second design -Here-

Personality: Rai grew up away from the others of his pack. Since his father had left, he had distanced himself from those who attempted to get close. However, he would do what he had to do and fulfill his duties. Seldom does he speak unless spoken to, but when he does he is ruthless with words. He will not hesitate to strike you down where you stand should you insult him as he does not take insults lightly. Easy is his blood to boil, and it doesn't take headed and cold to the core, these are but a few reasons why he distanced himself. Secrecy is his strong point, he never shares his issues with another and he watches what leaves his tongue. Never will he spill pack secrets. He is a true introvert. He finds himself struggling to open to to others and share. His past proved it was only better to keep things to yourself. Keeping to himself often, most find this trait rather rude but he could care less about what non-family wolves think. He is loyal to the ones he chooses to serve, and he will serve without question. He hopes to rise in the ranks and become alpha some day to create his own pack. Unquestionable is his desire to lead as you can see it within the pits of his soul. He is willing to do what is necessary, and will not back down from any challenge or fight. He is pride stricken, therefore he will not let insults slide if at all. Watch your back.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!