
The Armada Family



10-11-2013, 03:48 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 12:29 AM by Symphony.)

Original Name: Silviu Armada
Chosen Name: keeping the same
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Brief History: Silviu grew up with her mother and siblings. She grew up in a pack that only white wolves were aloud. It seemed so natural to her till she watched them kill a dark coloured pup. Since that day she saw her pack in a different way. It bothered her to the point where she would isolate herself. Over the course of many months she grew more distant till she left. Her pack might not have even noticed it or at least saw it coming. Whispers of her father find her way to her. But upon entering Ala she heard many bad things about him.
Plans: Go and join Toruga! :D and Side with him but may like Senoda and Argent.
Appearance: Like all in her birth back she is pristine white. Body made of snow this delicate fea has startling teal eyes. Her frame is average but lean and has all the right curves for a female. Her weight is light, upon long slender legs. Her fur is silken smooth growing dense and thick than most do. Her fur is marking with tribal tattoos made from crushed berries and plants.
Silviu has always been a little different. She has always been the one in the back learning silently. She was never one to talk much but simply shrug or grunt. She had always wondered why her eyes were teal and no blue like her mothers when she was pup. So her mother told her of her father Isardis. She was awed by him and it seemed the topic of her father was the only thing to interest her. She wanted to know more but none was giving. As she grew up she focused on being the best she could for her pack. The soul need to serive her pack drove her on in life. Sh loved to order of thing, having structure and demands it in her life. If there is no order she stresses to the point of nawing her tail and snapping at others. She cant function without order. Silviu will always need to live in a pack, being alone would simply drive her insane. Though she loves pack life she can be very blank upon meeting her. Only those such as her siblings and a very rare few get to see past her blank eyes and lack of emotion.