
i've got a jar of dirt

collecting fertile soil for crafting something unrelated to other skills


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (248)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-13-2022, 12:23 AM
The raid had left Widow with a lot on her mind. The grown man had been the first to beat her, even if she hadn't fought enough for it to really mean much, it still stung the yearling's ego. Had the man not scraped up her heel so much she would've gone in for another round, however even now the pressure the bandages put on her limb with the pain relief salve wasn't enough to stop the girl from partially limping her way out of Habari and towards the vacant once-home of a pack. She couldn't place knowing anyone from the pack, but she had always been interested in their gardens and human structures. What could she find there? Probably not much considering a pack had lived there, but if anything, perhaps she would learn a thing or two about gardens.

That was her goal anyway; to study what she could here and bring back samples to try in her garden. Collecting ash from the volcano was another experiment she was interested in, though figured venturing out was safer for her ankle than scaling parts of an already dangerous volcano. If anything, she could maybe send one of her stinky brothers up the volcano for some ash. Wouldn't she be so lucky if they fell in?!

Although the pack was long gone, it wasn't entirely deserted. In the distance she could see a herd of something that didn't look like deer and off over by a structure was a forest of crops. Interest immediately piqued at the sight of the garden, Widow changed her trajectory and investigated. These crops were growing so well in comparison to hers at home (which weren't doing that bad!) that she wondered if the dirt had some kind of magical properties. There was no turning back now. Unfortunately, she hadn't come equipped with much to bring any dirt home with her and so she huffed. Collecting the dirt would have to wait, first she needed to find something to put the dirt in. Mercurial eyes centered over the structure, wondering if there would be anything inside that she could use before she started to move towards the gaping, loose door of the barn. It was dark inside, but light filtered in through the holes in the roof and offered some sort of light as she walked in. Certainly the wolves that once lived here cleaned out everything useful, but maybe they left something behind... One wolf's trash was another wolf's treasure, right?


Art by SkeletonDragoness & Code by Skelle 2022
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022