
Pit Stop to Hell's Gates


10-11-2013, 06:25 AM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Eyes narrowed at the girl as she seemed rather annoyed. Black ears perked up,listening to her words. She surely had some attitude, that wasn't taken very lightly as she may wish.His little cousin who had eventually given her name as Odette seemed like quite the charm...

First she spoke that he asked too many questions, this got a small grumble from the male.

"Counting them I had only asked three; and there is no limit to how many questions I may ask you. You should at least try to tolerate what is thrown at you. But I can or ask whatever I want. It doesn't mean you have to answer them though...but I expect you to." he said in a flat tone, a little bit annoyed in return.

Next came her opinion of him calling her little' giving an entire speech on that part. Yet no information of the whereabouts of Cross was given, she didn not know either.

"May be tall but little in age, you're still the second litter of cousins so therefore you're one of my little cousins." he threw in casually as he glanced around.

Kairos continued to listen to the young female; she spoke now of how her wandering about was something she was used to. Kai would only give a shrug in return. The female also didn't know his mother; that was sort of obvious but a good try. Next came her mention of a last name, of course she had none or Kairos would know it. The bastard would listen as she then mentioned power, names and power. More stuff more power is what left her tongue.

Raising a brow purple eyes would lock onto Odette. His little cousin knew what she was talking about...well kind of. Sighing the brute shifted to a more comfortable position on his haunches before speaking once more.

"Power...if you mean by stuff then you can mean anything. A name is just something to have others know. A name can mean many things in power...but power comes with force and such, not just stuff. I could claim all of the trees in the land but I wouldn't have any power...I would just have trees. But now if I claimed all the prey in the forest then I would have some power. Hungry wolves coming to ask for something to fill their bellies hm? Or I would be killed,either or....but sometimes it depends on who can be eliminated."

"I believe that I have power over myself now...because both of my parents are dead. My father was never really around though like yours, you're lucky he even got to see you and you to him. I saw my father for the first time and the last, on the day of his death and watched him die. He raped my mother though, so I hated him yet was curious at the same time. I believe my name is Kairos because I'm the odd one out of my brothers. Kairos after Kaios, the bastard of a bastard."he said before pausing to snicker.

"Then my mother passed today. I killed her to in a ways set her free. No one can hurt her again now, she'll never be alone." he said in a casual voice.

Some may think he's crazy for what he did; others may understand. Others should understand....

All that he knew in his heart was that his mother could rest now. She wouldn't have to worry about him and his brothers. From where she was he hoped she could watch over all three of them. Keki probably knew where Tiberious was, the one Kairos viewed as the better brother out of all of them. He had always wanted to be the man of the family...well he got his wish but failed. No one was the man now, they were all separated. The three of them were supposed to be together forever, always by each others side. Then Pericles disappeared too; he probably sought out more adventure. Kai wondered if he was not merciful, if he was not the better brother now. After all...he had set their mother free to eternal rest and peace.

Finishing and finally closing his light gray muzzle the male would look at his cousin. Kairos wondered how the girl would react...would she think negatively of him and his decisions?

"Someone has yet to find her body." he said in almost a whisper.

His purple gaze settled on the girl. He would stare at her while his face showed no emotion whatsoever.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"