
not here for mere ferns

Healing Aw



Advanced Fighter (90)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KThe Ooze Participant
08-14-2022, 02:41 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2022, 02:42 AM by Acacius. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was clear the other yearling was kind - perhaps overly so, to the boy who understood that men were not supposed to be afraid of girls, nor defended by them. Acacius wanted to speak up and say as much, but the warm smile upon her face made the idea much less palatable. This could be his first real friend outside his littermates and Pocus, he couldn't blow it by being rude.

"That's a good idea, we can try." He agreed, knowing that it would soften the blow of his retaliating words. "And I'm not scared, I'm training to be a fighter and a healer. I just.. some people are bullies, y'know?" Shrugging his large shoulders, the yearling put on his best non-nonchalant expression and trotted forward, nose up and flaring to catch the scents drifting on the breeze as she had suggested. Truthfully Acacius didn't know what he was smelling for, and all the flowers within the gulley smelled odd and foreign enough to him that he knew he'd not be able to distinguish. Peeking down past the sides of his muzzle, he kept his eyes peeled for the described bush while he walked along.

It took a few false positives, but eventually his eyes and nose combined led him toward a bush that matched the description his companions had given. Reaching out a paw, he touched the waxy oval leaves and hummed. "Do you want to be a healer first, or a fighter first?" He asked conversationally, pulling off one of the leaves and smushing it between his paws to see if it gave off a certain smell. It seemed to be the correct plant, and while he couldn't be certain, Acacius was absolutely going to pretend he knew what he was doing infront of a girl. He dropped his small rucksack onto the ground between them, beginning to pluck the leaves from the stem and deposit them within.

(3/3 Collected an Herb +10)
(0/3 Healing Lesson +15)
(0/3 Crafted an item related to healing +15)

Acacius has saber fangs, which may not be visible on all his art.
In the likely event you witness this character speaking to open air, he is speaking to his imaginary friend, Pocus.
Two porcupines follow Acacius everywhere he goes, their names are Prick(M) and Poke(F).