
Making Arrangements




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-14-2022, 05:28 PM

The trip down to visit Chimera had been a long one and certainly far more lonely than she was used to after spending nearly all of her time among her family or at the very least with Alastor at her side over the last couple of years, but she eventually made it to the Auster-dwelling pack without much incident. She noticed as she followed the border a bit that it extended out beyond where she had remembered it did the last time she was here and quickly picked up on the fact that Fenmyre had also expanded their lands and and taken in more of the Auster wilds into their claimed territories. That seemed to be a common occurrence these days, at least among the packs she was familiar with, and was glad to see that her friends were flourishing.

After announcing her arrival at the border and making her way to the ferry to cross onto the island, she met Chimera on the shore, giving the white, black, and slate brute a grin and nod of her head. "Chimera," she greeted fondly. "It's been far too long." Once they had gotten through their brief pleasantries she walked with him for a bit through the shaded trees of the island. She knew Chimera was the sort that would appreciate getting right down to business so she didn't beat around the bush as to why she had come to speak with him. "Our children are certainly growing up fast," she commented, glancing over to him as she kept a easy, casual pace beside him. "My oldest will be two before I know it and I suppose its high time to start considering the future for them."

They reached a small, covered structure and she stepped inside with him, sitting to one side and enjoying the shade and reprieve from the Auster heat with the dramatic change from her north-eastern home. She looked at her fellow alpha for a moment, considering how to proceed, before finally deciding to simply be honest. She trusted Chimera and his discretion on important matters and if she was going to present this kind of arrangement to him then it was better to be open than to keep things hidden. "I need to find suitable partners for Avacyn and Saracyn," she said bluntly, sighing softly as she reclined back a bit into her seat. "Normally it's tradition and a bit of a right of passage for Mendacium family to travel and search out their mates, but given the fact that we have settled into a more permanent location and that some... things have come to light that might make my twins unwilling to take the journeys on their own... I am looking to make arrangements for them."

She paused for a moment, wondering how much she would have to reveal to get her point across or at least satisfy Chimera's interest in the situation. She left it at that for now and just added, "Scylla seems to be doing well in Elysium. She and Saracyn get along fine. She has a brother, doesn't she? I believe I remember seeing him with Avacyn at the festival we held a little while back... he's a handsome young man." She didn't outright ask for his son's possible engagement just yet, just bringing up the topic and waiting to see how Chimera reacted to it all.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny