
left behind

[ menagerie only ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-14-2022, 07:37 PM

Beauregard had just finished a round of patrols and was returning to the ship alongside Blind. Trill had been left to her own devices and he had actually had an enjoyable time with the arctic fox. She was sassy and feisty, but that was what Beauregard liked about her. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. At least she had been able to keep up with him during the patrol, despite her smaller size. She was a capable creature, and she was learning about how Beau worked. Already she was starting to move when he moved, mimicking the direction he took, and adjusting herself alongside him. Beau found her company pleasurable and made a mental note to thank Mercury for her again. It was hard to believe they had ever existed without each other now.

“You did well keeping up with me today, Blind.” Beau spoke calmly as he made his way back onto the ship. The fox cast him a cocky grin. “Well duh. I told you I’m the best there is, kid! Don’t you forget it.” She padded further along, her tiny ears twitching as she caught the scent of someone in the hallway. “Hmm? That’s a new scent. Let’s go - we’re seeing who it is.” Blind didn’t wait for permission before she charged forward in search of the one she had noticed.

…and it didn’t take her long before the scent grew stronger. She went deep into the hall and before she knew it she was practically nose to nose with the pup. “Ah ha!” The fox barked. “Found you!”

Beau came along at a slower pace, brow furrowed a little as he moved through the dark. “Found who? Hello?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'