
cliff diving



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-14-2022, 08:09 PM

So his family was the King and Queen of the Hallows? Beauregard’s tail began to wag behind him as Zephyr explained. Poor guy, he sounded as though he was getting nervous. But there was no need to be afraid, least of all of them. Sybil echoed his thoughts, even joking a little to try and help put the large bird of prey at ease. She was right though, the friend of a friend was also a friend. “Sybil is right! If your pack is allied to the Armada and we are too, then it must be fine that you’re here~ No worries at all!” He spoke casually before lowering his rear to the earth.

“Maybe you came to the Gorge by accident but you’re safe here.” It was funny how mere moments ago he had been wary of the bird, but now he seemed completely fine. He was all smiles now, tail continuing to thump the ground now as he continued to speak. “The weather here isn’t bad at all. I like it at least. It must be nicer with it being warmer for you too, huh? Trill hates flying in the cold.” The bluejay huffed as Beau brought her into it.

“We don’t have fur like you ground dwellers. So it can be harder for me to stay warm in colder climates!” The bird flew from Beauregard’s back and moved closer to the other avian to peer up at him. “Pardon me if this is rude, but what exactly… are you? I’ve never seen an avian your size.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'