
Keep Your Head Up


10-11-2013, 09:36 AM
Oh she was late - she hadn't meant to be, but she hadn't been inside of the territory when she heard the faint call of her alpha's howl. The healer had shuffled into the meeting, sitting on the outskirts because the group was much larger than she thought that it would be. Her eyes imediately seeked out Taurig, and a faint smile spread onto her lips as she did. So far, he was turning out to be a pleasant alpha, and his people seemed to respect him if nothing else. Of course, the exception to that seemed to be her own kin - she would have to get a hold of Viridiana and see what she thought of him. Although she would make her own decision in the end, the red woman's opinion was important to her too.

She was family.

But even so was she getting ahead of herself?

Looking over the rest of the wolves that had arrived, her eyes caught on Zara, and her head tilted somewhat. She didn't look too familiar, but that scent - it was one that she was learning to give to the Sovari name, the more she met of her family the more she was sure each time she ran into another. Yet she didn't know the brown woman's name, could only watch with mild interest before the alpha began to speak. She would just have to track her down later as well...

His words were not particularly life changing, but it was good to hear him speak to his people. Apparently they were allied with a few packs from around here - all but Glaciem seemed to be on at least neutral terms. She didn't know much about the ice pack, but it had once been rather close to Amenti in terms of distance. She would gladly avoid the north for the remainder of the winter season. Although she was rather fond of the snow, the potential frost bite was no loss to her.

She was particularly interested though, in why the ice king had given Taurig his scars. He was someone that the albino had met ever so briefly before - he had been a smooth talker, but she didn't get to know him much past his introduction. Her opinion of him soured considerably, he had left such scars on this King, no battle was worth such serious wounds - they easily could have gotten infected and there wasn't a whole lot that even the best of healers could do to stave off something so close to the eyes and head.

No wonder the scars had looked somewhat new.

The albino wasn't interested in holding a rank - but she would offer healing to those that needed it. With that thought in mind she would stand up, watch Viridiana leave, and turn toward the brown female with interest. Was now a good time to talk to her? There was quite the group here, but right now they were quiet - it could be worse. Glancing behind her she decided to leave - her questions could be answered at another time.

-exit io-

ooc: just wanted to get her in here x3