
Autumn Rains Mean Wedding Plans



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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-14-2022, 11:44 PM

Rudy grinned as it seemed he’d have his way.   The motley wolf didn’t want Fern uncomfortable at their own wedding but it would feel wrong to have it overly quiet and out of sight of everyone.  Rudy flashed a grin at Art mentioning Rudy had an idea in his head. “Oh, I’ve never lacked for ideas.”  Rudyard nodded at both Art and Fern as they spoke of the time, “early evening works fine for me.  All you early risers will be tired the next day when you find you never fell asleep.” The wedding would be a small and formal thing but hopefully, the party itself would last throughout the night.  

Thoughts of work brought another idea to Rudy’s mind to be addressed but he set it aside to first respond to the other questions being brought up. “I admit I put most of my dreams to more of the after-wedding details.  My main image of the wedding itself was just including my entire family around.  Those that mean the most being with us for such an important moment..  So, I want sunflowers too, lots of sunflowers.”  Making Fern happy would be his dream for it.  

There was a part of his dream that was missing but, it was one thing Art couldn’t arrange and did not need to be mentioned at a time for joy.  Had Art also felt a bit of sadness in the fact that Resin hadn’t been there to see his wedding?  She wouldn’t be in the family watching.  Well, that was a thought for a less joyful discussion.  Maybe sitting over a bottle of wine another night with Art would be a time to mention mom and their memories or perhaps it was just time to put the past behind and not bring it up.

“That said,” glancing between Artt and Fern, with a charming grin, his old trouble-making smile.  They had played him good earlier about losing his fight, now it was time for revenge. “There is another matter to discuss.” Rudy glanced between the two he loved so much in different fashions, then his smile turned to a softer one with sincerity in his eyes.  “Fern, I thought of something that would be even better than what we have now.  What I do dream of is pups, a bit of you and a bit of me rolled into one in every pup.”

Rudy turned his attention more directly at Art, “I asked you once about your plans on pups.  If you thought you’d be ready for it.  I’m not sure you know how important hearing your answer was to me at that time.  If my far more mature brother wasn’t ready to have pups how could I be?  What is it to be a dad?  What will our kids need of us and can we really raise them to have their own bright future?  Well Art, I still thought about it.  I know you can be a great dad.  I also know I can be a great dad.  If Fern agrees to it, that’s my dream.” That dream had nothing to do with the wedding of course but it was the priority to him.  

He could have talked to Fern about puppies in private first to see how she felt and then suggested they bring it up to Art if she agreed.  A whole other meeting with her already knowing the point but no, now was far far better.  Besides, when else?  They’d be getting married and then Rudy would be taking Fern on a surprise wedding trip about the land.  Little did she know that had been what created Rudy’s whole need for them to train the pack in hunting exercises.  There were Rudy’s dreams, fulfilling his promises to Fern, helping her dreams come true, and then having children of their own to raise up and help them fulfill their own dreams.

"Rudyard & Fern"