
Start on the right foot.



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-15-2022, 01:24 AM

Manea smiled as Kotori spoke of his plans and didn’t question his ability to live up to his plans.  Kotori had no one to speak for him and no past performances to prove his ability and so it would have been Maneas right to doubt his abilities.  Kotori wouldn’t let anyone stop him from having a pack of his own and soon the world would know it.  Whether he got the land once belonging to abaven or another, nothing could stop him.  Big words that he never lived up to would be inexcusable.

At least by this initial greeting, it sounded like an alliance would be possible, though certainly a more official meeting and discussion would be required.  She mentioned his goals and Kotori nodded his head.  “When I first started considering a pack of my own I admit it was mostly that I wanted to be the one making the choices, making the rules instead of following them.”  Kotori’s lip twitched, “I don’t think I was meant to live the life of a follower.”

“I did find more reason than that though.  I’m proud of my Fatalis name and my blood.  I intend for my pack to be a place where my children and any others of noble blood learn their worth.  Learn the treatment they deserve and the responsibilities that come with the station.  There will be tests, or challenges required of children to prove themselves and challenges for adults to prove themselves.”  He hadn't fully worked out all the details of his future tests yet but damn it they'd be good ones.

Kotori hesitated before adding on with a bit more humility, “I never asked to learn diplomacy while in the Armada though I gained some advice from Venom when I was assisting Ashen.  Hopefully, I will find an instructor for all children to at least have a foundation of it.”  Mostly Kotori was learning the art of diplomacy by jumping into the fire.  “All will learn a trade and master it if they want to enjoy their time in Valta.   That’s not to say one has to be of noble stature to join but, it will be needed for higher positions.” Sure, Kotori sounded full of himself and that was fine.  He knew some disliked that line of thought, especially the many he did look down upon.

Was he arrogant or justified?  Depended on who you asked and Kotori didn’t give a damn.  It would be his pack, his dream being created.  One way or another his pack would grow and become reality.  Would Elysium’s alpha scoff at his plan or be accepting of it?  “Obviously I label you and your family as noble blood.  My pack will treat yours with respect, regardless if official allies or not.” She probably could figure that out but it was a good detail to speak plainly versus any thought of speculation.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]