
Socially Abused


10-11-2013, 11:04 AM

War, the girl did not like it one bit. Yeah, Taurig was no longer part of Glaciem but still, this was all pointless, incredibly foolish. The ice king's pride had been hurt and her alphess was being silly ad blindly throwing herself into battle, not only that but she was letting a man lead beside her, one that didn't seem like the good type. Seraphine would sigh heavily as she moved through the valley, had she had a tail it would be lashing behind her, but instead of ears and lips would give away her clearly upset mood.

The girl found herself wanting both side to get hurt equally bad, hoped it would make them realize what they were doing made them look like pups fighting over a toy. Would they learn from it, think before just charging at each other? She shook her head before lifting it to gaze up at the sky with her blue and golden eyes, staring up at the clouds. ?Perhaps something will happen.? She mumbled to herself.

She would lower her head but suddenly come to a stop, just a few feet ahead was a wolf laying in the grass. Seraphine knew not all wolves were friendly, some wanted to hurt and even kill you just because they got a kick out of it. That was one thing she liked about her size, being larger she could intimidate some of those smaller wolves, the scars and rips in her ear helping a bit with that. She would remain where she stood, head held level with her back, bi-colored eyes focused on the man before her. She would spread her limbs out a it, balancing out her weight, shifting it the slightest on her paws in case she had to flee.


Awesome image by Trynx <3