
heart and head

[ mercury ]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-15-2022, 12:27 PM
He held her and he listened as she spoke of Medusa, of the guild. He listened as she spoke the truth he had seen his oldest brother struggle to come to terms with. Sometimes, you could not be an alpha and an individual. Not if you had valued beyond revenge, and anger. If you wanted to stand for something more. He kissed her cheek softly

"You stood by her, love, when you offered her a home here. She turned it away when she chose revenge. Revenge is destructive, to yourself and to everyone around you. It dosent leave room for the softer things, like growing things. And that's what menagerie is, a growing thing. If you picked Medusa and alienated the other packs, then it would be harder to be there for the next abused wolf, or the one after. You learned something with her, you learned you could have the power to intervene as an Alpha. " He said, wondering if that knowledge would help her. If she had chosen Medusa, he would have stood beside her. He would have fought and protected her, but he was glad in his heart of hearts that she picked thr less destructive path. He had lost too much to crave violence. Her tipped her chin back and made to kiss her lips. "That's what logic tells me, bur if you ever pick your heart, I'll still be right there beside you."
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