
The silence is deafening


10-11-2013, 11:36 AM

ooc:; As discussed before in the chat box there won't be any maiming on agreement, but I will allow two scars one from each on Ozz I don't mind where they are, and tidus gets nothing since this is Ozz's fight not his and scars aren't that bad after all.
Ozz was hurting, she knew it, emotionally Canttina wasn't caring about her. This had been her home her family, even if she had felt uncomfortable, it had been the home she couldn't have had at her old one. Green eyes glared at Canttina, as Ozz lowered her head and sighed. She wouldn't show them that she was broken or otherwise. As Tidus spoke out a deep growl started in her throat, this was his fight. She didn't care if he wanted to protect her, she wanted to get it over with. She stood in front of him chest raised high as she looked at all of them. "I was hoping you would all understand, especially Canttina, my love. Who I still care about. I just simply couldn't take the pressure yes I am weak I returned from my failure and I am weak. But there is one thing, I will take anything you throw at me. Scar me as you wish, and then I will never bother you again. I will take my new mate and leave and you will never see a word of me unless we happen to war against each other." Ozz said in clear tones, confident ones.
Ozz waited, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. She would bear the marks of banishment, again, for the second time. Her family had turned on her, again and again. She kept thinking on how she kept sticking with the wrong family, but she watched them. She was ready, after all, scars were something of stories. Maybe her hurt would be understood by Taurig? The world seemed to hate her at the moment, and her emotions that were felt were as real as ever. Even Kai silently was shaking his head, hissing in a slight disappointment towards Canttina.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,