
summer fest sign-ups!




Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
08-15-2022, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 07:02 PM by Lackadaisy. Edited 2 times in total.)
Please see the Prompt Contest for our OOC Part! You also get a little head-start if you win!

Sign-Ups Close September 1st for Menagerie's Summer Fest! All you need to do is sign-up here and the details will be released in due time. That is just because the above-mentioned Contest heavily relies on both parts, not just one! We will officially start September 2nd when the Prompts are processed.

But, Daisy! What is the Summer Festival?!

Menagerie's Festival is a chance to score IC and OOC loot! There will be contests - IC and OOC - using dice commands, skills, and other factors! Things such as a Race and a Melee Tournament will be held for our out-of-pack friends, a mass banquet thread, Fun Post Prompts for prizes... Etc etc. It is also the only chance Menagerie wolves can challenge for rank in the guild!

Plenty more will be released in due time! This is just sucky cause Daisy is sick and can't think long! Be patient thank you!

Why the Contest-Contest though? Like stated, Prompts will play an important part. Complete these little 'quests' to add to your total Prompt Count. The three highest counts win... DUH DUH DUH... ART! Of any character they want! It can even be used as a gift to another player. If you participate in the Prompt Contest, you gain extra mad bonus points!

How Can I Help?
All prizes are coming out of Daisy's Pocket. If you would like to donate art or items, please reach out to me. For transparency, all Art Prizes are 30-25 USD (1st Place), 20-15 USD (2nd Place) and 10-5 Dollars (3nd Place!). That equals a grand total of 60 USD. I will try to use Ardent Artists for prizes, because it helps and supports the community!

Menagerie, Armada, Valhalla, Tojo-Kai and The Hallows all have free reign to join in. If you would like your Loner to participate you must post them here. If you want to participate and belong to the above 'Okay' Packs, please post here too. As of right now, Femnyre and The Pirate's Plunder are not allowed on Menagerie lands due to IC decisions and alliances being tense. We want everyone IC to have a good time at the end of summer OOCly.

ICly, if you start a fight or drop in unexpectedly... You will be asked to leave. No better than a trespasser! Please do not 'crash'/sneak around/make threads if you aren't allowed at the party. It shows ill-will and needless drama regarding a fun event I really put effort into! I do not wish to exclude anyone, but I don't want to see Maims/Unwanted OOC drama going on! I will also not be afraid to actually release Menagerie and everyone else on your character if they want, if you decide to be a butthead LOL You'll essentially be a free for all for massive trespassing maim!

So even if you have a free pass to be there, please SIGN UP so Daisy can count heads and decide on the activity!

As much as I want to include EVERYONE the following packs are BANNED from attending the festival.
Femnyre, Elysium, and Pirate's Plunder are not allowed. This is more IC and less OOC. The Plunder because relationships are TENSE between all involved in Menagerie's alliance. No fights! Elysium and Femnyre due to TRIGGERING content in almost all threads, which I will have to read if they participate for prompt checking. This is not personal, but cautious about my mental health. I appreciate it if you are understanding.

Make a post for each character on their account. Thanks!

ooc; your name
character's name; enough said
character's age; pups are escorted by adults!
character skills;
character's pack; loner or pack?