
Cataleya x Taurig Babies!!


10-11-2013, 01:48 PM
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Cataleya x Taurig
i. ??

First name: Balthazar

Surname: None

Age: Unborn

Gender: Male

Pack: Rouge

Name: Balthazar

Gender: Male

Size(height, weight, build): Thirty inches long, Sixty six pounds, fragile looking build, but strong

Balthazar is far from being a good guy, because of being raised by Cataleya, one of the most evil wolves around in Alactritis. Because of all this, Balthazar has gained his mother's personality traits, with just one little thing; he will always go for the younger pups, such as his two little siblings. Not the pups five years older, but the ones with only one or two years younger than him, or the ones a month, hour, or even a day younger than him. Right now, though, Balthazar has a certain kind of innocence, even if it is as slight as it is. For now, Balthazar is friendly with his siblings, but it may turn into something more, when he gets older. Balthazar has a certain intelligence with every move he makes; it is all calculated and the punishment is thought over-if it is not too bad, he'll do it, but if it is, he won't. Right now, Balthazar is not much of a flirt, but will if he wants to or if he is dared to, using his charm. Balthazar, even if he is as evil and murderous as he is, will defend his family until his last breath, if they are in danger and cannot defend themselves from others. To Balthazar, he is just making sure that his siblings are safe, but to other wolves, this might be called being overprotective to any wolf he is friends with or loves. Now, the last thing, is that Balthazar is prideful, as prideful as he could be, even more prideful than his siblings.

Balthazar is a grown up wolf now, and his personality has changed just a little, making him more or less despicable, depending on who the wolf is or if they are friends with them. He has grown independent, farther away from his mother, but he is attracted to her in a way, and he loves his two siblings. He has heartless in a way, but his only soft spots are females and pups, both of which he loves, in his definition of love. The innocence Balthazar had as a pup has changed, gone away, and made him into a beast of a wolf. Balthazar's favorite sibling is the third pup, with her/his beautiful dark purple eyes and gray and black striped fur. Balthazar is even more intelligent than he was as a pup, and makes only the decisions he thinks are right, even if it is not the smartest one. Balthazar is a bad flirt now, flirting with every female his age and walking around alone. The loyalty for all of his family has turned around, and has "attacked" his youngest sister/brother, who he'll only defend now. Balthazar will even put his best friends, mother, father, and other sister below the safety of his favorite sister/brother. Balthazar's pride has grown even more, and concentrated on his pretty fur and dark teal eyes, and the unique dots under his eyes.

Clothed in silken fur, in eclipse gray and black cloth, the ocean changed only slightly, by the lighter fur on his underbelly. Balthazar looks fragile and weak, but if you look at him close enough, you see muscles rippling beneath the sleek fur. Not scarred and unmarked at first glance, if you part the fur, the long, sleek fur, then you'll see the tiny scars underneath his fur from fights. The worst looking scar is over his eye, and the fur is still missing slightly. Balthazar's fur and markings make him look odd, especially compared to his siblings. Mostly dark gray, the tint on the top of his body and on his head, the color is his base. The second coat is lighter gray, a silver color, coats his underbelly, as if he had stepped in the color and it had stained his fur. The dark gray coats his front legs, while the black covers his hind paws, the tip of his muzzle, and makes a stripe to his ears, and four tiny dots underneath his eyes. Balthazar's eyes are odd looking, and stand out through the gray and black fur, of everything he had. His eyes are a dark teal, but more blue than green, and almost looks as if they are gray instead of the odd teal.

Alliance: Chaotic Evil

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