
what's so cool about buffalo, anyways?

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Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-16-2022, 12:25 AM

Our lives are made in these small hours

The yearling had never come to this part of the south. They were the Buffalo Knolls, a place her father had started to tell her about during one of her visits to the Orchard. She didn’t doubt that this was where Bae-Syl had gone hunting either, and mentally she scoffed at the rainbow-marked male for dragging the calf all that way. Before her grassy, hill-like structures spread evenly apart, could be seen. Most were coated with grass so thick and luscious grass that she had no doubt herbivores fed happily on the stuff. She could spot the odd one here and there now, grazing upon the grass, though they avoided stepping upon the strange hills.

Lucette descended toward the knolls now wearing the vest that Bae-Syl had made for her. Ink trotted happily at her side, the companion bustling with energy as she moved in sync with the smaller creature. Still, though, Lucy thought, this was a curious place. She’d be sure to avoid the buffalo, however. She didn’t want to catch a horn-like Bae-Syl had and have to walk him through treating her. If he didn’t flay her hide first for risking herself to such danger. Ink suddenly paused, whiskers twitching as she spotted someone up on another of the knolls. She tapped Lucette, gesturing at the male.

Thankfully Lucette recognized the man.

Fearlessly the pixie-sized wolf bounded up the hill over to the man’s side, and just as casually as when he first started a conversation with her, she spoke to him now. “Fancy seeing you again,” The she-wolf hummed. “Not thinking about going after one of the buffalo, are you?” She was half teasing… but hoped that he wasn’t actually planning it. She didn’t want to have to patch up another wolf who was being reckless.


1 / 3 Navigation ;; Buffalo Knolls

"Talk", 'Think.'

These little wonders these twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.