
The meal has a kick to it


08-16-2022, 01:08 AM

The woman had visited the North once more and after the brief time there she had set off for Eastern Boreas once more. The woman had enjoyed her time in the East before and it seemed a good enough reason to visit again. The lands were pretty too, so that was just a bonus, especially now that she had Splatter with her to be her eyes in the sky. Not to mention the more that one wandered, the more wolves they met, and the interactions were what Ngurulivu was living for. She had yet to make a firm decision of if she wanted to join a pack or not, favoring not rushing the decision just yet for Florian’s sake. She didn’t want to rush into things and make him feel like they were abandoning Gargoyle… or herself for that matter.

She hadn’t visited this area last time, she realized as she came from a different direction than the river. But that was alright, she thought. It was good to see the different things the lands of Boreas had to offer. She was starting to get hungry too, she noticed, stomach grumbling with discontent as she moved, and the woman flicked her ears thoughtfully. She heard water… maybe she could fish? A fish wasn’t the most satisfying meal but it would be something to keep her stomach from grumbling and complaining.

She continued walking along, but as she neared the water source she noticed a stranger… and beyond him? Ah ha… now that would be a good meal. The struggle, however, was the larger elk walking towards the youngling. Hmm… perhaps it was time to serve up a distraction. Lowering towards the earth, with hopes the man might be willing to share the meal after it was caught, Ngurulivu moved across the earth with quiet stealth. Then, once she deemed she was close enough to make a sprint, she burst from where she was waiting towards the adult elk.

It was time to provide a distraction to the adult and startle the calf into running. She just hoped the other wolf would catch on to what she was doing and go for the calf while she kept the adult busy.

"Talk, 'Think.'