
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Ysmir <3


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
08-17-2022, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2022, 01:36 PM by Gwynevere. Edited 1 time in total.)

For the first time in her life Gwynevere actually had a reason to step away from her work. She did still work more than most and certainly spent more than her fair share of time in the Infirmary prepping and maintaining the space that had become her second room since it was assembled and gifted to her by her mother, but suddenly she felt drawn to take breaks, to relax, to spend time away from her work. She had a reason to now that Ysmir had come to live with them. Even if it was something as simple as sharing a meal together or spending time working on their unique sign language she was still just happy to have someone to share her time with. She had always felt like she was content to be independent and spend her time on her own with her work, but now that she had a companion she was beginning to realize why her siblings were finding their own partners and why Artorias had been so eager to bring Briar home to live with them.

After Rudyard's wedding to Fern, Gwynevere started thinking about her own relationship with Ysmir. Beyond the occasional sweet kiss that she would sneak between their lessons or snuggling with him after their meals, they really hadn't advanced beyond where they were before he moved in. She understood that even though she had felt strongly for him before he moved in and they had known each other for quite a while, they still had a lot to learn about one another since most of their time had been spent apart since their relationship began to blossom. She certainly wasn't in any rush to catch up to her brothers with the seriousness of their relationships, but she was beginning to feel like maybe she wanted to start taking some steps in that direction.

They were laying out in a patch of grass in the castle gardens, resting under the wisteria trees in a secluded section of the lush greenery, her side leaned into his larger form while they enjoyed each other's company after a nice dinner. Sometimes she thought about the conversation she had with Bowen before her sister departed the pack and even now it still brought a bit of a flush to her cheeks, especially when she was pressed into Ysmir like this. She wished for a moment that she could have her sister or brother's confidence in these matters so that she could stop just thinking about what she wanted and actually make some kind of move or indication to show that she did, but so far she had only managed little flirtatious gestures like curling her paw around his and sneaking little kisses to his lips.

After a while she finally spoke and said, "Ysmir... Um... I've been thinking," she began, her ears flicking back with her shy nerves that always crept up on her features, giving him a little smile before she looked down at where her paw was holding his. "Would you... want to move into my room with me? I know it's not very big, but we can, um... make a bigger bed that would fit the two of us." Was that even enough of a hint at where her mind was going? What probably felt like the most innocent comment in the world to some felt scandalous to her and she had to constantly fight this feeling that she was being silly and that she should just be able to have what she wanted the way her siblings did. Nervously, she glanced up to see Ysmir's reaction, loosening her hold on his paw so that he could respond if there was something more he wanted to say that a nod couldn't convey.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"