
Lets Play Doctor



"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-18-2022, 07:54 PM

The little wolf-dog paid no mind to the sharp intake of breath Cináed made when she began to tend to his wounds, already expecting him to give some sort of resistance as a knee-jerk reaction to the pain. As the blood was soaked up from the wounds, it became apparent that these were inflected by teeth, sharp ones at that. Another wolf, or another large predator? She couldn't be sure right away. Satira cringed while she studied the ragged edges and torn flesh and muscle. Whoever had done this had savaged Ciná's tail with brutal viciousness with intent to sever it, but they had thankfully failed. Now it was up to her to make sure he didn't lose it after the fact. Her patient laid down, which did in fact make it easier for her to settle in to begin her work given the massive size difference between them. Now she wouldn't have to reach up to try and treat his injuries. Satira finished drying the wounds and proceeded to reach into her medical bag, rifling through to find some of the yarrow and trillium she'd collected from the gardens. Deft paws moved with practiced precision to crush down the trillium flowers and put them into a small vial of sharp alcohol she kept in her bag to steep, then did the same to the yarrow with their stems until they formed a gooey, herbal-smelling paste, which she began to smear over the fabric gauze she'd pilfered from Elysium. The yarrow would help stem the bleeding and bind the wounds while the trillium would act as a disinfectant. She really wanted some wintergreen to help with the pain he likely felt, but she didn't bring any of the northern-growing plant with her on her trip.

Satira noted how Ciná kept looking past her and down the beach, still on high alert, likely from whatever or whoever had attacked him. The answer he gave her question was not what she had expected to hear. The shock on the wolf-dog's face when he revealed that it was his own father who had brutalized him like this was pronounced. How could someone's own parent do something like this to them?! Sure, Cináed hadn't always been the most pleasant wolf she'd known, but what could have happened to justify this? "Fuck, Ciná... I'm so sorry," Tira muttered under her breath. She didn't really know what else to say to that revelation. Instead, she focused on her work, caring more about getting this big idiot fixed up and with all his appendages still attached than dissecting his dysfunctional family. "This is going to hurt like a bitch, and I don't have any painkillers, so I apologize in advance," she explained to her unfortunate patient, the grave reality of the situation clouding her pale blue eyes while she looked up at him. She fished into her bag and pulled out a mass of cannabis leaves she'd harvested from the gardens as well and laid them at his paws. She'd been intending to use these for other purposes, but they were the best she could offer him for pain relief given the urgent circumstances.

"Chew on these, then hold the paste under your tongue until it goes numb. You're going to feel a little weird, but it'll help." Satira gave Cináed time to comply with her direction or refuse, whichever he opted for. Then, while the yarrow paste soaked into the bandages, she lifted the bottle of trillium tincture and gave it a swirl. It really hadn't had as much time to steep as long as she'd have liked, but it would have to do. Tira was racing the clock here and Ciná was risking bleeding out if she delayed. "Do you feel anything?" she asked him, passively observing his expression to determine how far into his high he might be. She wanted to give him as much time as possible for the drugs to kick in and block his brain from experiencing the agony he was about to endure, but she couldn't wait forever if his constitution turned out to be unexpectedly strong.
