
Forever Begins Here

Rudyard x Fern Wedding ♥


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-18-2022, 07:51 PM

The day had finally come and Fern and Rudyard would be joining their lives together in mere moments. The pair already share their love and hearts with each other but this ceremony will make their union official in the eyes of the pack. Her nerves have been jumpy since she awoke that morning and the gray woman had even debated about asking Rudy to postpone so they could have a small ceremony. But the pair had agreed to include the pack and Fern did not want to disappoint them. So, she stands in the little alcove off the main room, waiting to take her walk down the aisle. The hall has been filled with flowers, food, and wine and Fern had spied sunflowers when she had peeked out.

Fern takes a deep, steading breath as Artorias calls the pack together, reminding herself that the pack is her family and they are here to celebrate with the couple. Glancing down at her legs, the gray woman once again, checks to make sure that there is not a speck of dirt on her. The weeks leading up to ceremony, she had bathed regularly, mixing the water with scented oils. It worked as her fur shines from the care and the subtle scent wildflowers lingers in her coat. She is proud of the time and care she put into caring for her coat, even going so far as to have help brushing it out. Hopefully, Rudyard will appreciate the care she took as well.

The sounds of nails clicking against the stone floors alerts the gray woman to the arrival of guests and the butterflies that been fluttering in her stomach are suddenly drowned by excitement. This is it! It is actually happening! Tail wags slowly as she turns to face the exit and is greeted by Briar. A warm, caring smile appears as she looks at the Hallows Queen, her tail picking up pace as her soon to be sister-in-law slips a crown of white flowers on her head. Briar speaks, congratulating her and Fern reaches out a paw to catch the tan and cream woman before she can leave. Words fail the shorter woman and all she can do offer a thankful smile as tears well in the corners of her eyes. This is it. Soon they be family. Without a word, the gray woman steps forward, gently pressing her smaller form into Briar in a gesture of familial love.

Finally, two words slip past her pale lips, in a soft, emotion-filled tone, “Thank you.” It is simple but the gesture Briar has given means the world to Fern. With that, she releases the Queen, shooing her happily off to join the crowd. A few more minutes pass and Fern finally decides to join the gathered wolves. Slowly, carefully, with her crown of white flowers and blue ribbon in place, the gray woman steps out into the room. Pale paws slowly pull her toward the aisle, a warm, loving smile on her lips as she goes. Turning to face the fireplace, she takes a moment to allow her eyes to roam over the gathered wolves.

She spies Zephyrus and wonders when had he gotten so big. Briar who sits next to her adopted son with a grin on her face. Gwynevere, who the gray woman chides herself for not taking time to get to know her better. Laeta and Mel; the former seeming to be healing more each day while the latter seemms just as worried as ever about Laeta. Avantika who Fern, again, scolds herself for not getting to know better. Tamsyn, the Carpathius siblings’ mother and strong matriarch of the family. Sota, the small male who has quickly become one of Fern’s friends, sita beside her other good friend, Laeta. Jane. The sweet Adravendi woman who Fern wants to get to know better. And finally, Bowen. The small Carpathius woman is tucked away, present but trying to hide at the same time.

A smile is on her lips as she looks over the gathered wolves, the warmth growing each time she meets her friends’ eyes. Finally, Fern looks to the hearth, where Artorias and Rudyard stand. The smile takes on a softer, loving quality as she slowly makes her way down the aisle, admiring how handsome Rudy is. Love sparkles in her blue eyes as she joins Rudyard at the front, beaming brightly at the love of her life. Softly, she whispers, “You are so handsome, Rudyard Carpathius.” Her tail wags gently as she looks to Art, dipping her head in appreciation for everything he is doing for the couple.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.