
I wish I had a job to quit


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
08-19-2022, 11:24 AM

He'd gotten his first taste of life outside of the beach. For a moment, he thought maybe his parents cared enough to bring him back home. Everything he'd been told up until this point was all about how the world was large and scary. The growing pup had experienced it first hand when another Alpha came to their beach and decided to rip into everyone out of anger. Still not quite understanding what that ordeal had been about, Scald snuck off. After visiting the swamplands off toward the east, he made his way northwest this time.

Not too far, but far enough that it would take him a while to get back home. Being careful to watch where he stepped, the lanky limbed pup struck a curious nerve when a ravine opened up nearby. From what he could sense, it hadn't been occupied by anyone for some time. There was a faint, lingering scent of a wolf but he didn't pay it any mind. Letting pebbles roll out from under his paws as he awkwardly made his way down toward the bottom, he enjoyed the time he was spending alone. No brother or sisters to pester him, no dad to keep him in line, and no other adults to chastise him for getting into trouble.

Feeling the warmth of the sun slip away and the cool dampness of the underground send shivers down his spine, Scald lowered his muzzle to sniff around. Moss and other dark-loving plants grew in abundance near the hidden river. Its quiet burbling hid the scuffle of someone else as the stranger drew closer to his location. Immersed in the fascination of something such as a river being underground, Scald didn't notice the older boy until they were mere feet away. Lifting his head suddenly with wide eyes, his ears pressed forward as he waited to see if the stranger would notice him.

"Uh, hello?" Scald said, probably a tad rude, but nonetheless how a pup would sound. There was something off about the dude's eyes that made Scald's own narrow.
