
Yo Momma


10-11-2013, 04:37 PM

Her salutation reached him, pleasant sounding and thrilled, despite the ocean?s intermittent roar. The male?s dark features brightened considerably at the white dame?s receptiveness and he skirted around her with the animation more alike a puppy than a brute of three years. ?I see. Well that?s good. Being lost is no fun, I?ve been lost before and lemme tell you I?ve managed to lose fleas faster than I?ve ever managed to figure out where I am.? He joked politely, scarcely taking a breath between the streams of words.

The woman, Royale noted to himself, was rather a pretty little thing ? though he supposed little was subjective. He did like her eyes though. One was a shimmering blue while the other was a melted gold color that he quite enjoyed looking at. The speedster chuckled to himself before he piped up again. ?But hey! Home?s a great place to be heading! And you won?t be distracted for long since you?re going to meet them!? There was the barest hint of envy in his tone as he spoke these words. His family was miles and miles across the sea and he was disconnected from the life they lead.

His ears perked as she introduced herself and Roy?s bouncing came to an immediate halt ? something his paws didn?t much appreciate as they tripped over one another. The youthful boy was met with a face full of sand courtesy of the beach and his own thoughtlessness. Gosh he needed to stop embarrassing himself in front of ladies; his pride was beginning to suffer.

Still his surprise was palpable and his heart clenched uncomfortably for a moment, rendered unnaturally silent as he mulled over what he?d just learned. The woman?s name was Song. His mother?s name was Sang. It shouldn?t have bothered him. He?d long since put the death of the dame behind him. But it did bother him and it wasn?t as far away as he?d like to convince himself.

?O-Oh, you?you?ve got a pretty name. Do you sing?? He asked, a bit more subdued, as he pulled himself to his feet and winced visibly. Apparently there had been a seashell where he?d crashed ? and not in the good way he was used to ? and it had made a slight incision in his foot. It stung but wasn?t larger than the pad of his paw so he wasn?t overly concerned. Still, it was an inconvenient twinge whenever he took a step.
