
Meant to Live



2 Years
10-11-2013, 05:01 PM
Early morning had everything in a frozen clutch, everything was so brittle that it seemed to break and scatter under any weight applied. Air huffed out of parted jaws creating a very noticable cloud before the face of a wolf. Pale green orbs were set on one thing only. Each limb pushed at an easy lope, tracking down the trail of her quiry. It had been three days now, across the south. Her sides breathed evenly though through thick plush winter coat ribs could be counted. The predator could not afford to lose this meal, every fiber of her being commanded she hunt down this deer. Sure it was small, but it was enough to feed her starving body. A glow of burning determination was the soul fire that kept the young girl moving.

The scent was growing hot, any mintue now and she would be upon the body of the tired deer. She had no one to teach her to hunt but she had learn that trailing her prey relentlessly won out in the end. She knew her strengths and how best to use them. She was nearing the deer, almost able to taste it on her tongue. Her brain could only focus on it and the scent borders of a pack had gone undetected. A snarl ripped from the yearly as she came into lunging distance of the deer. It legs shook, barely able to hold it up. She clung to the throat of the deer, both collasping to the ground in a heap. she struggled under the weight of the dead deer as she crawled her way out from under her. I...i did it? She thought to herself. She stood staring down at it almost blankly. The long hunt had given her a task, but now it was over. What would she do now? Where would she go?

A new scent had her tense up, all around her was pack scents of many wolves. Tail curled under her as pale green eyes scanned around her. Maybe she could drag the deer out of here and eat? But surely they would scent a fresh kill and her. There was no way avoiding it. Ears pulled back flat aginst her skull as her heart hammered. What should she do? What could she do?!