
All the kings horses



3 Years
08-19-2022, 07:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2022, 08:12 PM by Osiris. Edited 1 time in total.)
The sea was not a forgiving God. It was everything but, throwing the men's ship around and destroying it long before it hit the rocks outlining the bay. The girl they were after couldn't have had a much worse time, though the storm wouldn't have made it much easier either. Even as the men drowned, they didn't think the woman to survive the peril either. Oh, how they were wrong.

Bodies laid across the beach, bloated from water intake and many broken, some even beyond recognition. A few laid as if they were only asleep, bodies simply soaked with water and drying in the morning spring air. Only one would wake, water heaving from tired lungs at last as life breathed back into a single, monochrome male. Everything from his nose to his asshole burned and what was left hurt in a way that felt like fire mixed with what he imagined squishing a bug felt like to the bug. Instinct told him to move, wincing as what should be broken limbs pulled his drenched body up and attempted balancing. The early light was bright, so bright he could only see through squinted eyes and even still his visibility was limited as his eyes burned from the ocean water.

The world spun around him, but he knew better than to let himself fall. Unstable legs moved him as quickly as possible away from the beach, toes sinking into the sand and making it difficult to him to walk. He found traction when he heard yelling in the distance, catching his interest and bringing him back into the present. Where was he? Who was he? Brows furrowed as he clambered across the beach, moving towards the sound now instead of away from it. Maybe they knew why bodies littered the beach, or maybe they were one of the bodies themselves. The man moved with a new mission now, aching and weak legs carrying the man at a seemingly drunken pace towards the sound of the yelling and screaming. It wouldn't take him long to find the source of it, a brownish woman suspended in the air by ropes. He wrinkled his nose at the sight, additional confusion piling onto what was already there.

"Tell me everything you know and maybe I'll help you get down," his voice was hoarse, dry and painful to use but he pressed on anyway. Even he confused himself with his words, completely taken aback by what he said as if it was an automatic response. He certainly hadn't thought about saying that to the wolf hanging by the snare, but despite the labyrinth of questions that multiplied by the minute in his head, his face remained ... stern? There was an uncertainty in his eyes though, one that would definitely give himself away should the trained eye spot it.
