
cliff diving



Intermediate Intellectual (30)

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1 Year

Pride - Bisexual
08-19-2022, 10:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2022, 03:49 AM by Sybil. Edited 1 time in total.)

Beauregard assisted in the reassurance of the bird, relaxing into the conversation, as she did also. With each passing moment she saw Zephyrus as less of a threat, and more of the young awkward prince he was at heart. He appeared to miss the joke, which brought a pang of pity from Sybil. Still, he was a polite raptor, she'd give him that.

Beau, or rather his bird, and Zephyr shared an apparently negative view of the cold, drawing a smirk from the pale girl. "Seems not all of us are lucky enough to have been built for such fine weather." There was a joke in her delivery, exaggerated and oozing with self importance. Yes, a stubborn part of her was proud of her insulating coat, especially now she was living in the north. She didn't want to alienate the ones less tolerant of cold, but aside from her satirical tone she believed every last bit of what she said. She certainly suffered in warmth, but that was a small, irrelevant detail.

The blue jay twittered at the prince, the difference in size between the two almost comical. Her brows furrowed in a brief consideration of what his classification might be. She had no clue of course, she was far from a biologist. "I've heard that canines used to grow to colossal sizes, very long ago. Maybe you are similar?" She proposed, careful in articulating her speculations. "Where I come from, you wouldn't have gotten wolves much bigger than me. Here that doesn't seem to be the case. Perhaps there is something about this continent that causes such anomalies?" It would also explain the peculiar colours that she had witnessed on some of the residents, Ricin being the most prominent example of this.
