
Rough and tumble



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-19-2022, 10:59 PM

Another day, another trip the ship. This time Beau wandered alone, Blind was out hunting and Trill was stretching her wings. Probably for the better since he was in the deeper part of the ship this time. He padded through the halls with claws gently clicking against the floorboards. He wasn’t sure what today was going to bring but he had the feeling it was going to be a fun day. The yearling had nothing extensive planned so maybe he could just try to find some members of Menagerie and get to know them. That wasn’t a bad idea, actually! It definitely never hurt to get to know your fellow pack members!

The youth heard noises in the room up ahead… a room that he had yet to visit. He couldn’t help but feel his curiosity peak and he glanced around the corner into the room… to find two puppies in there. They weren’t talking, but he could see one of them clearly on some sort of weird metal table with lumpy things on it. His ears perked forward and he grinned happily. The one kid was one he’d seen before though! “Hello there! I hope that I’m not interrupting you guys! My name is Beauregard, but you can call me Beau! What did you find in here?” He stepped into the room, tail starting to wag back and forth.

"Talk, 'Think.'