
left behind

[ menagerie only ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-19-2022, 11:01 PM

The darkness wasn’t helping anything, and the rumbles were coming closer together, loud, shaking the ship as he gently moved a piece of pottery and checked inside of it. The pup could be hiding anywhere within the room, really. Hiding in something, under something… She was small. The yearling furrowed his brow, leaving a huffy Blind to her own devices as he searched. He really didn’t want the kid to be alone in this weather. Surely it was scary? He knew as a kid he’d always been terrified of storms. This one seemed like it was fixing to be a bad one too if the wind howling outside the ship was anything to go by. At least this room had its windows closed.

There came a warning growl and Beauregard turned his attention to the pair of glowing eyes from under the blanket. The kid was definitely feisty… she didn’t seem to want them anywhere near her at all. Beau sighed softly, his gaze softening as he tried to speak to her again. “I’d prefer if you didn’t. I’m not here to hurt you, honest. I’m still kind of a kid myself, not a mean adult. And Blind didn’t mean to startle you, right Blind?” Another huff came from the fox in response. “Bite me, kid.” He was pretty sure she was talking to him but the statement could honestly go either way.

Beauregard didn’t move from where he stood though, considering trying to kneel down so he was more on the kid’s level. Then a cackle and light split the air. The room was suddenly illuminated from behind the pup, revealing the pup as she shrieked. His ears fell back as she did so, the sound not exactly great, but he understood it. She was scared. This was likely her first bad storm and she was absolutely terrified. Something that was only confirmed as she darted from under the blanket and rushed towards him. It was not with ill intent, so Beauregard didn’t flinch, but at her plea, he felt his heart pang in his chest.

“I wish I could. Storms are really scary and loud… I don’t like them either.” He confessed. Despite being an adult now he struggled to get used to a storm. He glanced at the kid helplessly, his blue gaze shining with uncertainty. The ship was groaning again, the old vessel really becoming noise with the strain of the wind, and a heartbeat later it was increasingly loud as a sudden downpour began. It beat on the top of the ship, rattling it with noise, and Beauregard let out a soft whine as he hunkered down near the pup. “Stay close, it’s going to be alright.” He told her… though the words were also for himself.

They were going to have to weather this storm together.


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