
guess who's back

[ bel, gav, saga ]



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-19-2022, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2022, 11:41 PM by Bellamy. Edited 1 time in total.)

The woman was glad that they had made their way back to Menagerie’s borders. She dipped her head to Wren. “You and me both, Wren.” The woman glanced toward Gavroche. Thankfully her mate had been with her throughout the whole thing. She hadn’t gotten badly injured the second time at all. She had gotten very lucky, and she had hoped to be the end of it. “I think we’ll be alright. Gavroche is a top-notch healer, even if he claims he has more to learn.” She chuckled, leaning in to nuzzle the winged man. He was her savior, truly. She sat, keeping Saga close on her other side as she focused on the alpha.

“It may not be, but I’ll give you the full version. I got overwhelmed, my conditions causing me to feel like I had to keep running away from Menagerie… everything.” She frowned. “I was part of a pack called Winterfell once. The first pack I’d ever officially joined. Their alpha, Acere, was a good man, a very kind alpha who was perhaps a bit more accepting and good-natured than he should have been. I didn’t know anything about borders back then. I trespassed, got into a skirmish with one of his wolves, and even still… He showed me mercy.” Bellamy’s gaze softened.

“He gave me a chance when no other alpha would have. I was… “raised” in poor conditions. I might not have known any better, but still, for my age by the time I earned my freedom, you would think I’d have known better. That man that I fought with at the challenge, Ignis Praetor, was once a member of Acere’s pack.” She shook her head.

“I got too close to his woman. I was trying to chase her off, but she was pregnant… and well…” She gestured to her shoulder. “He maimed me in our fight. I left, with him threatening that the next time he saw me he’d kill me. I don’t know why he didn’t then. I…” She cleared her throat. She had practically asked for it. She had been so out of herself that she believed it was what she deserved. The only fate that awaited her. “A-anyway… I left and was in a bad way. Thankfully my daughter’s good friend found me. He did some first aid on me and helped me get my head on right again. Then I came back North.”

She glanced at Saga now. “I’d meant to come back to Menagerie to look for Gav, but I came across Saga instead. She was alone, and I couldn’t leave her.” She licked her adopted daughter’s head. “She’s different, but I’ll fight anyone who dares say she’s any less of my little one than Lucy. She’s a good kid, aren’t you sweetheart?” She lifted her gaze back to Wren.

“That brings us to the challenge. Ignis said some… hurtful things about Acere. It was less about what he’d done to me, honestly…” Bellamy sighed. “The things he said about the man were cruel, unfair… He’d been nothing but good to all of us… and Ignis challenged him for Winterfell. He betrayed Acere’s trust… and now Acere is gone.” There was definitely pain as Bellamy mentioned this, her ears lowering and her gaze appearing sad and distant. She missed the man. How would things have been different if she hadn’t been captured by the Kedieo empire, she wondered? She wouldn’t have met Gav, but could she have made a difference when Ignis challenged Acere somehow? There was no good dwelling on it.

“I know I shouldn’t have egged him on but… Acere’s honor hung in the balance… it was… difficult to not say anything.” There was no denying the same in her voice. “I do not appreciate the idea of just willy-nilly maiming someone. I know I’ve made my mistakes, and own that, but…” She glanced at Gavroche. “I’d like to believe I’m not truly a monster…”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.