
The Range



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
08-20-2022, 12:40 AM
Despite having almost run straight into him, the stranger was gracious and also good-natured, laughing off the surprise encounter with him, which helped put Maverick at ease. He didn't want to start confrontations with anyone over something as simple as exploring a new land. The stranger echoed his surprise, then introduced himself as Artorias, explaining that he was also looking at the lands now that they were vacant. Maverick nodded assent; so they were both explorers, eh? "Guess great minds think alike," he quipped with a smirk. "I'm Maverick. Nice to meet you." Artorias asked about the barn, and Mav shook his head. "Nah, not really worth your time. It's a lot of old crates, straw, and a lot of dust and mold. Whoever had lived here before really cleaned the place out before they left." He'd been hoping to find something useful to bring back to Ashen with him, but alas, the barn had proved to be a fruitless, albeit interesting, endeavor.

There were only two structures on the land, which meant there was only really one more place left to explore. Maverick motioned to the old farmhouse with a tip of his muzzle. "You check out the house yet? I was thinking about taking a poke around there myself if you wanted to join me." His offer made, Maverick began to head toward the farmhouse, shooting Artorias a joking grin. "Just promise me you won't try to stab me in the back if we find hidden treasure or anything." Together the two wolves walked up the steps of the front porch, the old wood creaking beneath their weight. Maverick wasted no time in pushing open the front door and stepping over the threshold. Inside was equally as dusty and stuffy as the barn had been, but it was much more furnished as well. Aging furniture sat in various states of decay around a spacious living room. Golden sunlight filtered in through the hazy windows, casting bright streaks across the walls and floors. fading photographs of creatures he'd never seen before hung on the walls, scattered about the house.

"Well, can't say I've ever seen anything like this before," mused a curious Maverick as he traipsed around the living room, his nose twitching as he sniffed at all the furniture. He could see why wolves would want to live here. This place felt comfortable, safe, warm... the way a home was meant to feel. Even without any life in it now, it was easy to see how it could be made that way with the right individuals in it.


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