
The Range



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
08-20-2022, 12:41 AM
While Artorias went off to investigate a side room, Maverick continued to poke about the living room, placing his paws up on an old bookcase shelf to peer up at the contents hidden just out of side. It was a lot of books, tchotchkes, and mementos from the original occupants of the house, and all virtually useless to himself. Disappointed at the lack of good finds, Mav headed toward the kitchen. The lingering scents of old food hung in the air, but a closer inspection of the counters here too once again revealed little of interest. Damn, this place was picked clean already! He really didn't want to just go back to Venom empty-handed. He wanted something special to present to his girlfriend; a souvenir of his daring solo adventures across Boreas! Well, solo save for this one time, but a one-off didn't count.

Artorias' voice behind him caught the wolf's attention, and he turned to find the other male sporting a thick patchwork blanket across his back. He was heading out, and that meant Mav would be left to find any hidden treasures himself. "Well, darn! I was really hoping for treasure," he remarked with a dramatic pout that changed into a chortle. "All right, safe travels, Artorias! It was great getting to meet you too!" And with that, Maverick was on his own once more. "All byyyy myseeeeelf..." Maverick sang softly to himself while he moseyed down a hallway that branched off from the living room. Each side of the hall was littered with doors, each one promising untold riches within. But which one did he start with?

Picking the door closest to him, Maverick pushed it open and found a decent-sized bedroom. Most of the furniture was plain and unassuming, though it was remarkably well preserved. The wolves that lived here before must have taken good care of it. A few minutes of rifling about yielded nothing, nothing at all. That is, until teal eyes landed on a small wooden box sitting atop a dresser. Lifting himself up with his forepaws, Mav poked at the box with a curious paw. The wood was etched with delicate patterns all interwoven together. It was a unique sight—but its real beauty was revealed when he managed to push the lid up. A soft melody of chimes began to play, filling the room with a tranquil song from the music box. Maverick gazed in awe at the box, listening to the song play for a few moments. Oh yeah, this would do the trick! How many other wolves in the world had something this unique? With a wide grin on his face, Maverick snapped the lid shut, then picked up the small box with careful jaws and hurried out of the house. He trotted at a brisk pace south, heading across the southern border and back in the direction of Ashen to present his beloved with his rare find.

- exit Maverick -


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.